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dr Damian Herda

Asystent badawczo-dydaktyczny
Zakład/ katedra:
Katedra Nordystyki
Służbowy telefon:
12 663 43 34
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Doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie językoznawstwa. Magister filologii szwedzkiej i angielskiej na UJ. Obecnie zatrudniony na stanowisku asystenta w Katedrze Nordystyki w ramach programu IDUB New Blood.

Absolwent Jagiellonian Interdisciplinary PhD Programme, laureat grantu NCN Preludium, minigrantu POB Heritage oraz stypendium MEiN dla wybitnych młodych naukowców.

Zainteresowany głównie lingwistyką kognitywną i korpusową, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem teorii gramatykalizacji.

Wybrane publikacje:

Herda, Damian. “From Space to Time and Beyond: A Corpus Inquiry into the Grammaticalization Patterns of a/one Step away from.” Studia Neophilologica (2022): 1–21.

Herda, Damian. “To Be ‘a Boat Load Healthier’ and Not to ‘Care a Single Scrap’: On the Adverbialization of English Size Nouns.” GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 2, no. 2 (2022): 111–27.

Herda, Damian. “From Spatial Marking to Degree Modification: A Corpus-Based Study of the Polish Daleki od (Far.ADJ from) X and Daleko od (Far.ADV from) X Constructions.” Lege Artis 6, no. 1 (2021): 40–74.

Herda, Damian. “On the Productivity of the Attenuative Adjectival Suffix -aw(y) in Contemporary Polish: A Corpus-Based Study.” Australian Slavonic and East European Studies 35 (2021): 91–107. 

Herda, Damian. “Arrangement Classifiers, Collocations, and Near-Synonymy: A Corpus-Based Study with Reference to Polish.” Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 137, no. 4 (2020): 245–58. 

Herda, Damian. “From Partitives to Vague Quantifiers: A Corpus-Based Study of English Handful and Swedish Handfull.” In Filologiskt Smörgåsbord 4: Nordisk Genklang, edited by Ewa Data-Bukowska and Marta Rey-Radlińska, 47–57. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2020.

Herda, Damian. “Open Spelling of Nominal Compounds in Contemporary Swedish and the Question of English Influence.” W: Languages in Contact and Contrast: A Festchrift for Professor Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld on the Occasion of her 70th Birthday, edited by Magdalena Szczyrbak and Anna Tereszkiewicz, 199–211. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2020.

Herda, Damian. “On the Effect of Pluralization on the Numeralization of Nouns in English and Polish: A Contrastive Corpus-Based Study.” Linguistica Silesiana 40 (2019): 139–55.

Herda, Damian. “On the Grammaticalization of Partitives into Degree Adverbs: The Case of Polish Odrobina ‘Crumb; a Little’ and Swedish Smula ‘Crumb; a Little.’” Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Nauki Humanistyczne, no. 23 (4) (2018): 19–32.

Herda, Damian. “On Metonymically Motivated Delexicalization of Quantifying Nouns in English and Polish: A Corpus Investigation.” Studies in Polish Linguistics 12, no. 4 (2017): 199–219.